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Travel Log
Travel and travel entertainment, while catering to paternalistic whims or providing escape, allow us access to immense beauty and the opportunity to broaden our horizons. But what are the effects of the destabilizing presence of foreign bodies on cultural ecosystems?
This series is an attempt to have my cake and eat it too – fundamentally, an exploration of travel logging with a critical eye.
California and Her Many Liminal Vehicles // Come Back to Me
If even a written text compiled on the basis of long periods of research was limited in what it could reveal about Others, film, often recorded on the fly and/or quickly dramatized, tended to be not just limited, but superficial and prone to obvious distortions.
- Lucien Castaing-Taylor
Kolkata Wakes // Kali Sleeps
The first is to let the world come to us through an outside-in movement – this is what some call ‘documentary’. The other is to reach out to the world from the inside out, which is what some call ‘fiction’. But these categories always overlap. I wrote ‘there is no such thing as documentary’ because it’s illusory to take the real and reality for granted and to think that a neutral language exists, even though we often strive for such neutrality in our scholarly work. To use an image is to enter fiction.
- Trinh T. Minh-Ha
Old Country Luang Prubang
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